Renfield (2023)

Just so we’re clear, I didn’t like the narration in this movie because I never like the narration in any movie. As examples go it was perfectly fine in and of itself, I don’t mind listening to Nicholas Hoult talk about things. I just don’t like narration in general. I don’t want to say something as severe as “narration is never a good idea” because there are plenty of examples where narration improves the movie (‘Sunset Boulevard,’ ‘Wings of Desire,’ etc.), it’s just that all too often it acts as a crutch for the filmmakers. I have no proof, but I’m going to guess that well over half of the movies that use narration weren’t meant to, they had to fall back on it when they couldn’t make the movie work otherwise. Be it budget cuts, blown coverage, actor availability for reshoots, something else about the movie went wrong first and, in order to make a cut that’s at least ...